Prominente und Antiziganismus

28.08.2009 in Bukarest / Rumänien. Madonna wird auf einem Konzert in Bucharest von ihren Fans, die Eintritt bezahlt haben, ausgebuht. Der Grund ist das Sie die Diskriminierung den Antiziganismus gegen Roma anspricht.
„gypped“ by Preisdent Obama. It is Antitziganism using „gypped“ in his speech.

President Obama, uses antiziganistic / antigypsyistic language in his speech on health reform. No one should be „gypped“. Racism toward the Romani People. The Roma are large Minorities in Europe and the Americas. Short explained: It connects the Anti-Roma hate to crime. Like it is done in the US to dark skinned people. Antiziganism is comparable to Antisemitism, both are specific hate forms towards people. More on